Case study 3: Volunteering platform

Helping young people to connect with volunteering opportunities in their community.

Project outline

Context and process

In 2017 I worked with a UK based charity to help improve the usability of a volunteering platform for young people aged between 14-30. The platform provided access to thousands of volunteering opportunities with non-profits and charities, so that volunteers could develop key skills while also helping others in their communities. I worked with a small, in-house, agile team as the product designer on the project.

Simple diagram of design process


Image outlining initiate stage for volunteers Image outlining initiate stage for volunteers Image outlining initiate stage for volunteers Image outlining initiate stage for volunteers

Discover (Volunteers)

Photo of an empathy map on a whiteboard Image of an empathy map Screenshot of a matrix user test Three images of existing opportunity layout Image of audit of existing layout Image of user test for existing layout Image of two heat map tests of existing layout Four images of competitor products Image of a test on a competitor product

Concept and test (Volunteers)

Image of content structure Image of proposed prototype for testing A number of images of prototype being testing in an office

Detailed design (Volunteers)

Image of voluteering oppotunity layout Image of voluteering oppotunity layout Image of voluteering oppotunity layout

Discover (Organisations)

Photo of whiteboard and post-its from a workshop Image of two organisation personas Screenshot of a matrix testing image Photo of post-its from a workshop reviewing existing process Image of process with happy and sad faces to show positives and negatives within the process

Concept and test (Organisations)

Concept thumbnails showing product flow Image of form being tested by a remote user

Detailed design (Organisations)

Image of form layout, step one Image of form layout, step two Image of form layout, step three Image of form layout, step four Image of form layout, step five Style guide designs Style guide designs

Build and QA

Image of static wireframe print outs Image of project flowchart Image of project flowchart

Launch and learn

Launch and learn workshop Launch and learn summary

Find out more

To find out more about this project and my process get in touch.

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